Discovering Sir Vidya Naipaul
18 March 2013
Nadira said something rather insightful: ‘Salman, just be yourself and you’ll discover a man you will never be able to forget.’ And so I called VS in his hotel room and he said I could come over for twenty minutes after which he was busy. When I went up to his room, I have to admit that never having seen a picture of VS, I expected a tall, thin hawk-like person. But what I found was a man with a chubby face in which the feature that captivated me was his eyes. They were, and still are, heavy lidded, sad eyes. These are the eyes of a person who is terribly, terribly sensitive and who does not only feel the pain of another human but perceives it without being told of it.
Labels: People, Sir Vidya Naipaul, Travel Literature, Travel Writer, Travel Writing
posted by Salman Rashid @ 00:00,
- At 18 March 2013 at 07:02, Kausar Bilal said...
Great post!Yes, many times, different people have different kinds of experiences from the same person for different reasons. Enjoyed reading.
- At 6 May 2013 at 22:49, said...
Is Lady Nadira Naipaul sister of Major General Amir Faisal Alavi of SSG?
- At 6 May 2013 at 22:50, said...
She has changed so much.
- At 7 May 2013 at 09:56, Sal said...
Yes, Nadira is indeed Faisal's sister. I have known Nadi since 1990, and because i have seen her regularly, I hardly notice any change. She may have.
- At 9 October 2015 at 09:35, tariq ahsan said...
Ah! Wish VS had it in him to have the same loving curiosity about history and culture that you possess.
- At 21 October 2017 at 08:12, Lol said...
Ive read among the believers & beyond belief & was wondering about the Salman he talked about from janlandhar now i know who he was. Naipal can make you change your perspective on things & that alone makes him a great thinker n writer all praise to him
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